Monday, November 14, 2005

Using MySQL from Microsoft Access

You can use Microsoft Access to exchange data with a database on MySQL. This provides very convenient mechanisms for both populating your database initially, and for keeping it up to date. If you have existing data in an Access database, an Excel spreadsheet, or a delimited text file, this can be read into Microsoft Access and exported to your database on the MySQL server. Before you can use Access with MySQL, you must first have set up a Data Source for your MySQL database. Details of how to do this can be found at Using MySQL with ODBC.

The example described here uses Microsoft Access 97, which was provided on Staff WTS version 1. Working with later versions of Access is essentially the same, but may appear slightly differently on the screen, and some menu item names have changed in later versions of Access.

Exporting a database table

This example assumes you have already created a simple database with a single table such as the following. The table has a unique primary key student_id.

More info:

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