Thursday, May 12, 2005

Upper Case Function in access: The upper case function of MS Access is done by issuing the prefix command UCase before the field you want to change into upper case. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

Removing Filter of a Form through VBA

Procedure for Preset Filters:

Private Sub CMDRemoveFilter_Click()
Me.Filter = ""
End Sub

Double quote removes the filter.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Filtering a Form through VBA

Procedure for Preset Filters:

Private Sub CMDNullSalaries_Click()

Dim strNull As String

strNull = "(([Salary Query Form].[HR Salary] Is Null))"

Me.Form.Filter = strNull

Me.FilterOn = True

End Sub


Form “Salary Query Form” will display only the Record of whose “HR Salary” field contains nothing.

Procedure for filters passed from a Combo List:

Private Sub CMDFilter_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_CMDFilter_Click

Dim vFilter As String

vFilter = Forms![Salary Query Form]![DeptFilterCombo]

Me.Filter = "DeptID = '" & vFilter & "'"

Me.FilterOn = True


Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_CMDFilter_Click

End Sub


1. vFilter variable is declared.

2. vFilter variable takes the value from Forms![Salary Query Form]![DeptFilterCombo]

3. DeptID Field will then be filtered with the value from vFilter variable.

NOTE: If the variable contains string, then vFilter should be enclosed by single quote.

"DeptID = '" & vFilter & "'"

4. Declare Me.FilterOn as True. This is to activate filter.